Monday, March 29, 2010

Survery for Male Victims of Domestic Violence

How're you doing? I am excited to tell you that I am conducting an Online Survey on "Help-Seeking Behaviors of Adult Men in Partner Abuse" for my Dissertation Research (see email with the link below). Since this population is hard to reach, I would like to request your assistance to distribute it widely to those who may be interested in this study. Thanks!

This is a nationwide survey using snowball sampling. Please help forward this email to service providers (working in the field of domestic violence or family relations) , your friends, and male victims/survivors to reach the participants. Target Participants are male victims/survivors of partner abuse, aged 18 or above and living in the U.S.

Greatly appreciate for your help and THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!

Have a nice weekend!

Venus Tsui

Doctoral Candidate

Graduate College of Social Work

University of Houston



Dear Participant,

The Research Team at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work is conducting a survey on “Help-Seeking Behaviors of Adult Men in Partner Abuse”. You are being invited to be one of approximately 250 participants to participate in this survey. We would like to invite you (as participant) to complete the anonymous questionnaire via this link:

A paper survey will also be available if you have no access to a computer by indicating “paper survey” with a returned address by mail or email to Venus Tsui (see address below).

If you are a service provider working with a focus on intimate partner abuse or family relations, you are welcome to invite men who were or have been abused by their partner to participate in the survey by forwarding this email or cover letter to them. This study is IMPORTANT! We would appreciate it very much if you would post the FLYER [please click] in your office and organization’s waiting area? In addition, an electronic copy of the Survey is available for your distribution upon request (see contact information below). Finally, a Resource Guide for Men in Partner Abuse is provided for your reference (please click and feel free to print out and use).

Please note that a cover letter is included in the survey to explain the purpose and procedures of this study. Your participation and/or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Monit Cheung, PhD, LCSW, Professor,
& Venus Tsui, Doctoral Candidate
Graduate College of Social Work
University of Houston
110HA Social Work Building
Houston, TX 77204-4013, USA

1-713-743-8107 (Work); 1-713-743-8149 (FAX) or

For any questions regarding this survey or for obtaining a paper survey, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Monit Cheung, or Co-Principal Investigator, Ms. Venus Tsui, at the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston, at 713-743-8107, 713-743-8115 or 832-755-0933 or email at

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Daybreak Counseling Service

Friday, March 12, 2010

Change of Course (COC) Parent and Educator Training

April 29th, April 30th & May 1st
8:30am- 4:30pm

Daybreak Counseling Service
183 N. Hill St. #202
Pasadena, CA 91106

Cost: $300 per day

The Change of Course adolescent and young adult for parents and educators training is an evidence based training designed to teach parents and educators effective techniques that influence delinquent behavior in youth and young adults. Shannon Munford the owner of Daybreak Counseling Service has organized this training in effort to teach parents, teachers, school counselors, correction officers, gang interventionist, and clergy proven strategies that help navigate young people toward pro-social behavior. Shannon Munford is a nationally recognized anger management expert. His work has been featured on national television programs including MTV Real World Hollywood, Keeping up with the Kardashians and locally, California State Dominguez Hills University Educational Television. Mr. Munford has over a decade of experience working with behavior challenged youth with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and the Los Angeles County Probation Department.

The first day of training focuses on learning a communication style that is directive and designed to illicit change in young people. Day one also includes an introduction to 8 part curriculum formulated to reduce ambivalence to change and motivate delinquent teens and young adults to make better decisions.

On day two and three of the training a tripartite cognitive behavior model will be examined. An overview of this model will introduce participants to the following techniques:

• A way of directing delinquent teens and young adults to examine their own moral compasses. This technique is designed to increase empathy for others as well as develop reasoning skills for troubled youth.

• A systematic view of anger and violence. This model explores the origins of anger and gives concrete ways in which young people can reduce verbal aggression as well as physical.

• An examination of social skill social deficits. This module introduces participants to a method of teaching basic social skills to their children, students or clients. Many young people continue to display problem behavior in school or at home because they lack basic skills such as “How to apologize” How to express feelings”, or “How to make a complaint” etc.

For more information visit

Telephone 310-995-1202